When ranking fighters, several key factors are put under the microscope: their win/loss records, the caliber of their opponents, how often they finish fights or dominate their competition, and how frequently they step into the ring.
If a fighter hasn’t been active for two years, they won’t be considered for ranking anymore. This could be due to injuries, suspensions related to drugs or conduct, contract issues, or just deciding to take a break.
However, fighters who face suspensions for drug or conduct reasons can still be ranked, provided they don’t exceed that two-year inactivity threshold.
We make every effort to rank fighters in their main weight division. If they take part in catchweight bouts or fight outside their usual division, it could either boost or drop their ranking. Nevertheless, fighters without a title can only be ranked in a single weight division at any time. Typically, they won’t get ranked in a new division until they’ve had at least one fight in that category.